Transition States

In chemistry, a transition state is a highly unstable intermediate in a reaction.  Because it is so unstable, it only exists for a fleeting moment (if at all) and cannot be observed by any traditional means.  The reaction will either “take”, and new products will be formed, or the transition state will devolve back to the reactants.  On an energy diagram, the transition state is located at the point of maximum energy:

(It’s been some months since I took orgo, so I may be a little rusty in my chemistry, but you get the general idea.)

Anyway, in more colloquial usage, transition simply means movement or passage from one state or position to another.  In many situations, though, I feel like transitioning from one position to another involves something much like a transition state, where you still have bonds to your old position but are forming new ones.  However, people are not chemical species, and this transition state can last a long time.

I recently lost a good friend of mine due to divergent morals and pathways.  The ways that we chose to take simply weren’t compatible.  And this has happened more and more as I have grown older.  Some of the people I was good friends with freshman year have since found different groups to hang out with.  Almost all of my middle and high school friends have stayed in Arizona, so it’s become more difficult to keep up with them.  But the worst thing of all, the very worst feeling, is when I meet someone that I really like, but due to various reasons, I have to let them go.

This is hard because feelings for someone don’t just end overnight.  Even though I understand that our friendship is now over, I can’t stop myself from hoping that some way, somehow, they’ll find their way back to me and everything will be just like it used to be.  I found a poem I wrote five years ago, about one of my very first such lost friendships:

Sitting frozen in time

Hands shaking, poised as

If for an awkward, eyes-

redly-rimmed picture…I wait:

The computer hums and my

breath betrays me

Refresh the e-mails one last time

And one more, one more:

Your words lost in eternity

my heart trapped behind such a screen

At such moments I’m in a state of high energy, since I am beginning to form new friendships and relationships at the same time as I still have feelings for my old friends, the friends that I no longer have.  It is stressful and confusing and, unfortunately, lasts for far too long.
However, I take comfort in remembering that the universe always tends towards states of lower energy, and even humans are not above basic laws of physics (although we like to think we are.)  I know that even though I may never forget those who are no longer a part of my life, that doesn’t mean my life has to end, and as I grow and change, so will my circle of friends and acquaintances.  Thank goodness minds and hearts are fluid.


In which Amber celebrates approximately five years of poetry.

That night (and everything after it)
was a knife stabbed right through my heart,
and before you condemn me for using clichés,
know this:
one-third of stab wounds to the heart
are survivable.

Imagine: spindly muscle fibers stretching,
weaving a thin blanket of sorrow,
and skin reappearing over blank red lines.

Your scar wasn’t a pretty one.
It was itchy, white and raised,
right over my ribs, and every time
I wore a low-cut shirt I felt sure
that everyone could see the bloody scratches
on my pericardium.

I’m one of the lucky ones. The thirty percent.
Heartless, you said, but you were lying,
because when I lie on the floor, watching the shadows
of passing cars, I can hear
the far-off whisper of sweet ghosts in my arteries,
easing along at a steady 90 over 60.

Sometimes the dead don’t stay down.

Unified Field Theory – Tim Joseph

In the beginning there was Aristotle,
And objects at rest tended to remain at rest,
And objects in motion tended to come to rest,
And soon everything was at rest,
And God saw that it was boring.
Then God created Newton,
And objects at rest tended to remain at rest,
But objects in motion tended to remain in motion,
And energy was conserved and momentum was conserved and matter
was conserved,
And God saw that it was conservative.
Then God created Einstein,
And everything was relative,
And fast things became short,
And straight things became curved,
And the universe was filled with inertial frames,
And God saw that it was relatively general, but some of it was
especially relative.
Then God created Bohr,
And there was the principle,
And the principle was quantum,
And all things were quantified,
But some things were still relative,
And God saw that it was confusing.
Then God was going to create Furgeson,
And Furgeson would have unified,
And he would have fielded a theory,
And all would have been one,
But it was the seventh day,
And God rested,
And objects at rest tend to remain at rest.