It’s been over a year since this blog was begun! So I figured I should redo this Disclaimers page. 🙂
Anyway, all the opinions discussed in this page are mine and do not represent the opinions of the university (despite the .edu domain.) If I post any information about the courses I am taking, it is publicly available information on Owlnet or other sites. I won’t post any private notes or test/quiz questions.
I may occasionally talk about my professors, friends, or acquaintances. It may be possible to discern which people I am talking about through context. (If I ever use names, they will be initials.) If you think you were mentioned here and are uncomfortable, you may request for me to take down the post at
As of July 2013 I have made the decision to disable comments. You can still reach me at 🙂
Have a wonderful day, and I hope you enjoy!